It is that day of the year--the day where we all put on our stretchy pants and indulge in all things yummy. Time to relax and enjoy the company of others. That day of the year where we get to sit and listen to the Crazy Uncle blather about late-night radio. Time for that horrible green bean casserole, lumpy potatoes and smoke detectors. And, napping on someone else's couch while your little cousins build a fort around you.
And, well, if you cook like me, you may be in need of this Anne Valerie Hash fall 2008 couture outfit. A turkey indeed. But, it is shiny silver, so maybe it will reflect the heat from your cooking disaster to at least save your favorite outfit underneath, like some sort of high-fashion hazard suit. And, just think, you will probably need it again when you go to cook the Christmas Ham!
Happy Thanksgiving to all, and to all a good nap!
Picture from style.com
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